Tips on how to record the best audio

Recording audio for new broadcast students can often be THE most difficult part to getting great video stories. Here are five tips on getting the most out of your audio.

1. NEVER, EVER, EVER rely on the onboard microphone, unless it is a high quality shotgun boom microphone that has separate level adjustments on the camera itself.

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Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

In the landmark Supreme Court case Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier in 1988, the court handed down a decision that gave power to high school administration to censor school sponsored publications. The case involved the high school newspaper at Hazelwood East High School, which had written stories about teen pregnancy and about divorce. Continue reading Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

Tinker v. Des Moines – Protecting Student Free Speech Rights

The landmark case Tinker v. Des Moines is a case that concerns the free speech rights of students. In 1969, students decided to protest the fighting in Vietnam by wearing armbands. They were warned not to wear the armbands and were told that they would be suspended if they chose to disobey this order.

The students wore the armbands anyway and were suspended. The parents decided to sue the school system and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court. Read and hear more about this case at the following link:

Structure of a Sample Script

Here is a sample script for the first three minutes (approximately) of a school newscast. Included here are: two anchors, various camera shots with some having both anchors and some having only one, pre-recorded footage being rolled in (b-roll or package), and graphics such as a lower-third super identifying a person on the screen. Continue reading Structure of a Sample Script