Category Archives: Lighting

Lighting on a Budget

Most of the staffs in high schools are not allotted a huge budget. In addition, if there is money to spend it usually is poured into cameras, microphones, and computers. So what options are out there to help with lighting?

The staff at the Academy of Scholastic Broadcasting has created some helpful tutorials about adding lighting to your equipment for pennies on the dollar. Watch this video to learn more.

Click here to go to their video on Vimeo.

Three Point Lighting Presentation

Lighting is a key element to making an interview or the anchor look their best. Often the broadcast crew will have to make do without the equipment one needs for a three point lighting setup. But if it is at all possible try to follow the instructions in this presentation on lighting.

In this presentation the following terms will be covered:

Lighting Terminology (Key Light, Hair Light, Fill Light, Edge Light)

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