Broadcast I & II Syllabus

The following is the course syllabus for a broadcast I and II course. It details the unit being covered for both an introductory course and a second year course. In addition it incorporates the production schedule for 20 episodes. Continue reading Broadcast I & II Syllabus


Many staffs continue to use YouTube to host their videos. YouTube allows a staff to create a channel and host videos free of charge. An adviser can sign up using an email and a created password.

The advantages of YouTube are that a staff can easily embed videos, promote their videos with social media, and monitor the audience interaction through their channel feedback.

YouTube says its users upload over 100 hours of video every minute, and 6 billion hours of video are watched every month.

Link to YouTube.

News Values for Broadcast Storytelling

One of the biggest difficulties in doing video storytelling is determining what should be the subject of the video.

In order to determine is a story has value, students must be able to identify why an idea would be worthy. Here is a list of seven news values. If a story has value then it should be able to support at least two of these elements.

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A guide for high school advisers and students of broadcast journalism.