Tag Archives: broadcast script

Script Form

This is a sample of the two column script form your staff can use to plan out the production of the story. Students should remember to fully describe not only the reporter’s words and possible soundbites recorded, but also the visual components involving b-roll and sequence shots.

Click here for link to pdf version.

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Sample Video & Script

Script writing can most effectively be taught using great examples. Students often do not realize how to use key short sentences to capture the mood and essence of the story. The following video is from ESPN and E60. The story captures a friendship between to unsuspecting individuals at the University of Alabama. The script is transcribed below.  Continue reading Sample Video & Script

Script Writing

No matter what kind of show your staff is producing, you must think about how you are going to tell the story before you pick up a camera or microphone.

Most scripts are written in two column format, but don’t let the formatting of the script turn your news writers off before they get started. The most important thing to remember is that there must be a focus to the story. And it is the job of the reporter to find that focus. Too many students think that  the story will magically appear after everyone gets back to the studio and edit bay, but this unfortunately doesn’t happen.

The text in the two column format should follow this guide:

The text in the right column is what the reporter or the person being interviewed is saying. The reporter voiceover (VO) should be written down so that the reporter can read it on or off camera. The rest of the text will be what the microphone picks up during the interview.

More to come…

News Values for Broadcast Storytelling

One of the biggest difficulties in doing video storytelling is determining what should be the subject of the video.

In order to determine is a story has value, students must be able to identify why an idea would be worthy. Here is a list of seven news values. If a story has value then it should be able to support at least two of these elements.

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